Consumables for laser medical devices
Radial light guides for EVLK, fiber optic cables for lasers and other consumable tools used in work with laser medical devices AST. Goods from the manufacturer.

Radial waveform fiber optic cable
Radial light guide instrument designed for EVLK of small and large saphenous veins of the lower extremities

Conical fiber optic cable
Conical fiber optic instrument for submucous destruction (vaporization) of hemorrhoids

Fiber optic cable with end-type radiation
Universal light guide instrument for use in laser surgery with direct radiation output

Fiber optic cable with focusing attachment
The focusing device is used for percutaneous laser coagulation of telangiectasias (telangiectasias, TAE), vaporization and

Fiber optic cable holder
The holder is used with fiber-optic cables of the end-type radiation for convenient fiber delivery to the operating area